Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
safety of these products, which are used extensively worldwide but continue to be
excluded from many food products in the UK.
Replacement of HVP is achieved by either the use of soya sauce or a
combination of yeast extracts.
13.7.3 Replacement of monosodium glutamate (MSG)
MSG has been used since its discovery by Professor Ikeda in Japan in 1907 as a
fl avour enhancer and source of umami. Its removal is most commonly achieved
by an increase in overall fl avour levels and by use of high nucleotide yeast extracts
as mentioned previously, although there are other sauces of umami that are useful
in achieving a full umami fl avour. High umami effect foods include tomato, garlic,
light soy sauce, mushrooms, parmesan cheese and anchovies. All these may be
used in various forms to replace the effects of MSG, although the high distinctive
fl avours associated with these foods prevents their inclusion in other foods to
some extent. In 2010 an umami paste was commercially launched that contained
in the recipe porcini mushrooms and pulped anchovies as sources of umami
(Millard 2010). In the next few years we are likely to see new combinations of
low fl avour-high umami products derived or extracted from these types of foods
that will be more applicable as MSG replacers. Already available are extracted
tomato and mushroom that are very low in fl avour but high in umami effect.
13.7.4 Removal of E numbers from savoury food products
E number removal is a very common request to the savoury formulator born out
of a lack of consumer understanding of the reason why E numbers were designated
to begin with. In a natural product, consumers have a need to see a simple solution
with no E numbers present. Below are briefl y summarised the solutions (or lack
of) and associated problems to the question of E number removal. The removal is
not always practical or even possible.
Removal of E number colours, E100s
Natural colours alternatives for many of the synthetic colours are now available
but in general these are more expensive, less strong and much more unstable.
Some of the vivid colours that have been seen in the past have now been replaced
by softer colours:
Yellow is achievable by the use of turmeric or its extract
Brown by malt extracts and burnt sugars
Orange by paprika and its extract
Red by a combination of paprika extract, beetroot extract and anthocyanins.
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Removal of preservatives, E200s
The most common preservatives used in savoury products in addition to acetic
acid in its various forms are E200 sorbic acid, E221 sodium sulfi te, E223 sodium
metabisulfi te and E270 lactic acid. These are used to control both pathogenic and
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