Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 11.4
Biosynthetic pathways of vanilin, vanillyl alcohol and vanillic acid production
from caffeic acid (Converti et al. 2010).
11.4 Conclusions
Most food fl avoring ingredients are produced by means of chemical processes.
However, there is a growing tendency for the production of aroma compounds
using biotechnological tools, which have the following advantages: (i) the process
occurs under mild conditions; (ii) it has a lower environmental impact; and
(iii) the compounds may be labeled as 'natural'. This represents an important
market opportunity given the consumer preference for 'natural' products.
However, low transformation rates and high production costs are still obstructing
the widespread adoption of these tools. Recent advances in genetic, bioprocess
engineering and the use of by-products as alternative substrates have the potential
to help to overcome these problems and are stimulating research into
biotechnological processes to produce aroma compounds.
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11.5 References
ACOSTA , M . , MAZAS , N . , MEJIAS , E . and PINO , J . ( 1996 ), ' Obtención de aromatizantes
mediante biotransformación del limoneno por Pseudomonas aeruginosa ', Alimentaria ,
272 , 73 - 75 .
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