Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
i :
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
k :
Methane generation rate (per year)
k :
Decay rate for the waste type j
j :
Waste type category (index)
L :
Potential methane generation capacity of the waste (m 3 /Mg)
Landfill Gas
M :
Mass of waste accepted in the year I (Mg)
Methane correction factor for aerobic decomposition of waste
Municipal Solid Waste
n :
(year of the calculation)- (initial year of waste acceptance)
Not in My Back Yard
Non-Methane Organic Compounds
Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds.
New Source Performance Standards
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Oxidation factor (reflecting the amount of methane that is oxidized
in the soil or other material covering the waste
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell
Publicly Owned Treatment Works
Annual Methane generation in the year of the calculation (m 3 /year)
Methane flow rate (m 3 /min)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Refuse Derived Fuel
Solid Waste Association of North America
Solid Waste Disposal Sites
Age of the j th section of waste mass
M accepted in the i th year
i t :
Total Organic Carbon
Total Suspended Solids
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Volatile Organic Compounds
w :
Mass of refuse (Mg)
W :
Mass of the waste deposited in the landfill
Waste Acceptance Criteria
x :
Year during the crediting period: x runs from the first year of the
first crediting period (x = 1) to the year y for which avoided
emissions are calculated (x = y)
y :
Year for which methane emissions are calculated
φ :
Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties
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