Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Layer Geometry
Let no one unversed in geometry enter here.
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Chapter 2, “The Backing Image,” introduced the layer-backing image and the properties
used to control its position and scaling within the layer bounds. In this chapter, we look at
how the layer itself is positioned and sized with respect to its superlayer and siblings. We
also explore how to manage your layer's geometry and how it is affected by autoresizing
and autolayout.
UIView has three primary layout properties: frame , bounds , and center . CALayer
has equivalents called frame , bounds , and position . Why they used “position” for
layers and “center” for views will become clear, but they both represent the same value.
The frame represents the outer coordinates of the layer (that is, the space it occupies
within its superlayer), the bounds property represents the inner coordinates (with {0, 0}
typically equating to the top-left corner of the layer, although this is not always the case),
and the center and position both represent the location of the anchorPoint
relative to the superlayer. The anchorPoint property is explained later, but for now just
think of it as the center of the layer. Figure 3.1 shows how these properties relate to one
The view's frame , bounds , and center properties are actually just accessors (setter
and getter methods) for the underlying layer equivalents. When you manipulate the view
frame , you are really changing the frame of the underlying CALayer . You cannot
change the view's frame independently of its layer.
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