Graphics Reference
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Figure 2.12 A layer with backing image drawn using CALayerDelegate
Note a couple of interesting things here:
We have to manually call -display on blueLayer to force it to be updated.
Unlike UIView , CALayer does not redraw its contents automatically when it
appears onscreen; it is left to the discretion of the developer to decide when the layer
needs redrawing.
The circle that we have drawn is clipped to the layer bounds even though we have
not enabled the masksToBounds property. That's because when you draw the
backing image using the CALayerDelegate , the CALayer creates a drawing
context with the exact dimensions of the layer. There is no provision made for
drawing that spills outside of those bounds.
So now you understand the CALayerDelegate and how to use it. But unless you are
creating standalone layers, you will almost never need to implement the
CALayerDelegate protocol. The reason for this is that when UIView creates its
backing layer, it automatically sets itself as the layer's delegate and provides an
implementation for -displayLayer: that abstracts these issues away.
When using view-backing layers, you do not need to implement -displayLayer: or
-drawLayer:inContext: to draw into your layer's backing image; you can just
implement the -drawRect: method of UIView in the normal fashion, and UIView
takes care of everything, including automatically calling -display on the layer when it
needs to be redrawn.
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