Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
self . path . lineWidth = 5 ;
- ( void )touchesBegan:( NSSet *)touches withEvent:( UIEvent *)event
//get the starting point
CGPoint point = [[touches anyObject ] locationInView : self ];
//move the path drawing cursor to the starting point
[ self . path moveToPoint :point];
- ( void )touchesMoved:( NSSet *)touches withEvent:( UIEvent *)event
//get the current point
CGPoint point = [[touches anyObject ] locationInView : self ];
//add a new line segment to our path
[ self . path addLineToPoint :point];
//redraw the view
[ self setNeedsDisplay ];
- ( void )drawRect:( CGRect )rect
//draw path
[[ UIColor clearColor ] setFill ];
[[ UIColor redColor ] setStroke ];
[ self . path stroke ];
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