Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
@implementation ViewController
- ( void )viewDidLoad
[ super viewDidLoad ];
//create sublayer
CALayer *blueLayer = [ CALayer layer ];
blueLayer. frame = CGRectMake ( 50.0f , 50.0f , 100.0f , 100.0f );
blueLayer. backgroundColor = [ UIColor blueColor ]. CGColor ;
//add it to our view
[ self . layerView . layer addSublayer :blueLayer];
Figure 1.5 A small blue CALayer nested inside a white UIView
A view has only one backing layer (created automatically) but can host an unlimited
number of additional layers. As Listing 1.1 shows, you can explicitly create standalone
layers and add them directly as sublayers of the backing layer of a view. Although it is
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