Graphics Reference
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( __bridge id )[ UIColor blueColor ]. CGColor
] ;
//add timing function
CAMediaTimingFunction *fn = [ CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName :
kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn ];
animation. timingFunctions = @[ fn, fn, fn ] ;
//apply animation to layer
[ self .colorLayer addAnimation :animation forKey : nil ];
Custom Easing Functions
In Chapter 8, we updated our clock project to include animation. That looks good, but it
would be even better with the right easing function. When a real-life analog clock's hand
moves, it usually starts slowly then suddenly snaps into position before easing to a stop at
the last moment. None of the standard easing functions is quite right for the effect we want
though. How can we create a new one?
In addition to the +functionWithName: constructor, CAMediaTimingFunction also has an
alternative constructor method, +functionWithControlPoints:::: , that has four floating-
point arguments. (Note the bizarre method syntax, which doesn't include separate names
for each argument. This is perfectly legal in objective-C, but contravenes Apple's own
guidelines for method naming, and seems like a curious design choice.)
Using this method, we can construct a custom easing function that is ideally suited to our
clock animation. To understand how to use this method, though, we must learn a bit more
about how CAMediaTimingFunction works.
The Cubic Bézier Curve
The basic principle of CAMediaTimingFunction function is that it transforms an input time
into a proportional change between a start and end value. We can represent these as a
simple graph, with time ( t ) on the x axis and change ( delta ) on the y axis. The graph for
linear easing is therefore a simple diagonal from the origin (see Figure 10.1).
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