Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Layer Time
The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time.
Merrick Furst
In the previous two chapters, we explored the various types of layer animation that can be
implemented using CAAnimation and its subclasses. Animation is a change that happens
over time, so timing is crucial to the whole concept. In this chapter, we will look at the
CAMediaTiming protocol, which is how Core Animation keeps track of time.
The CAMediaTiming Protocol
The CAMediaTiming protocol defines a collection of properties that are used to control the
passage of time during an animation. Both CALayer and CAAnimation conform to this
protocol, so time can be controlled on both a per-layer and per-animation basis.
Duration and Repetition
We briefly mentioned duration (one of the CAMediaTiming properties) in Chapter 8,
“Explicit Animations.” The duration property is of type CFTimeInterval (which is a
double-precision floating-point value that represents seconds, just like NSTimeInterval ),
and it is used to specify the duration for which a single iteration of an animation will run.
What do we mean by a single iteration ? Well, another property of CAMediaTiming is
repeatCount , which determines the number of iterations that an animation will be repeated
for. The value of repeatCount represents the total number of times the animation will be
played. If the duration is 2 seconds, and repeatCount is set to 3.5 (three-and-a-half
iterations), the total time spent animating will be 7 seconds.
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