Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Keyframe Animations
CABasicAnimation is interesting in that it shows us the underlying mechanism behind most
of the implicit animations on iOS, but adding a CABasicAnimation to a layer explicitly is a
lot of work for little benefit when there are simpler ways to achieve the same effect (either
using implicit animations for hosted layers, or UIView animation for views and backing
CAKeyframeAnimation , however, is considerably more powerful and has no equivalent
interface exposed in UIKit. CAKeyframeAnimation is, like CABasicAnimation , a subclass
of CAPropertyAnimation . It still operates on a single property, but unlike
CABasicAnimation it is not limited to just a single start and end value, and instead can be
given an arbitrary sequence of values to animate between.
The term keyframe originates from traditional animation, where a lead animator would
draw only the frames where something significant happens (the key frames), and then the
less highly skilled artists would draw the frames in between (which could be easily inferred
from the keyframes). The same principle applies with CAKeyframeAnimation : You provide
the significant frames, and Core Animation fills in the gaps using a process called
We can demonstrate this using our colored layer from the earlier example. We'll set up an
array of colors and play them back with a single command using a keyframe animation (see
Listing 8.5).
Listing 8.5 Applying a Sequence of Colors Using CAKeyframeAnimation
- ( IBAction )changeColor
//create a keyframe animation
CAKeyframeAnimation *animation = [ CAKeyframeAnimation animation ];
animation. keyPath = @"backgroundColor" ;
animation. duration = 2.0 ;
animation. values = @[
( __bridge id )[ UIColor blueColor ]. CGColor ,
( __bridge id )[ UIColor redColor ]. CGColor ,
( __bridge id )[ UIColor greenColor ]. CGColor ,
( __bridge id )[ UIColor blueColor ]. CGColor
] ;
//apply animation to layer
[ self . colorLayer addAnimation :animation forKey : nil ];
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