Graphics Reference
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//add a custom action
CATransition *transition = [ CATransition animation ];
transition. type = kCATransitionPush ;
transition. subtype = kCATransitionFromLeft ;
self .colorLayer. actions = @{ @"backgroundColor" : transition } ;
//add it to our view
[ self .layerView. layer addSublayer : self .colorLayer];
- ( IBAction )changeColor
//randomize the layer background color
CGFloat red = arc4random () / ( CGFloat ) INT_MAX ;
CGFloat green = arc4random () / ( CGFloat ) INT_MAX ;
CGFloat blue = arc4random () / ( CGFloat ) INT_MAX ;
self .colorLayer. backgroundColor = [ UIColor colorWithRed :red
green :green
blue :blue
alpha : 1.0 ]. CGColor ;
Figure 7.3 The color value animation implemented using a push transition
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