Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.3 The effect of setting the contentsScale to match the screen
The CATextLayer font property is not a UIFont , it's a CFTypeRef . This allows you
to specify the font using either a CGFontRef or a CTFontRef (a Core Text font),
depending on your requirements. The font size is also set independently using the
fontSize property, because CTFontRef and CGFontRef do not encapsulate the point
size like UIFont does. The example shows how to convert from a UIFont to a
CGFontRef .
Also, the CATextLayer string property is not an NSString as you might expect, but
is typed as id . This is to allow you the option of using an NSAttributedString
instead of an NSString to specify the text ( NSAttributedString is not a subclass of
NSString ). Attributed strings are the mechanism that iOS uses for rendering styled text.
They specify style runs , which are specific ranges of the string to which metadata such as
font, color, bold, italic, and so forth are attached.
Rich Text
In iOS 6, Apple added direct support for attributed strings to UILabel and to other UIKit
text views. This is a handy feature that makes attributed strings much easier to work with,
but CATextLayer has supported attributed strings since its introduction in iOS 3.2; so if
you still need to support earlier iOS versions with your app, CATextLayer is a great way
to add simple rich text labels to your interface without having to deal with the complexity
of Core Text or the hassle of using a UIWebView .
Let's modify the example to use an NSAttributedString (see Listing 6.3). On iOS 6
and above we could use the new NSTextAttributeName constants to set up our string
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