Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Wetland Bathymetry and Mapping
Marc Los Huertos and Douglas Smith
Abstract Bathymetry is the measurement of underwater topography. In wetlands,
development of bathymetric maps can have many applications, including determining
water storage capacity and hydroperiod (depth and timing of flooding) of a wetland,
assisting with wetland design and restoration and land use planning, and facilitating
legal boundary determination. This chapter provides practical steps for mapping and
modeling wadeable wetland bathymetry. By characterizing the bathymetry of
wetlands, investigators can better understand key hydrologic, geomorphologic, and
ecological processes of wetlands. Using standard survey equipment, investigators can
plan and implement a relatively simple survey of wetlands. These data can be used to
model and quantitatively analyze the surface area, volume, and bottom topography
(bathymetry) of wetlands using standard geographic information system software.
Bathymetry is the measurement of underwater topography. The word is a combina-
tion of two Greek words: Bathus , which means “deep”, and metron or measure.
Bathymetric maps may be charts with various depths printed at specific locations,
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