Environmental Engineering Reference
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5.4.10 Using the Wetland Indicator Status of Vegetation
One of the most frequent applications of vegetation sampling and analysis in a
wetland setting is for wetland delineation purposes. Very specific sampling and
analysis protocols are used, according to the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987 ) and the newer Regional Supplements.
In this system, plant species are assigned an indicator status (obligate wetland
facultative wetland
for different regions according to expert opinion. The indicator status of species
also can be used for other purposes aside from wetland delineation protocols.
One application is to calculate a weighted average of indicator scores with
weights based upon species importance value, cover, or frequency in order to
track the relative wetness of a site. This application is especially helpful when
conducting repeated studies to assess wetland mitigation success, for example
(Atkinson et al. 1993 ).
2, facultative
3, facultative upland
4, or upland
5.4.11 More Resources
The subject of vegetation sampling and analysis has generated a vast and rich
literature. This chapter is intended to expose the reader to a variety of sampling
considerations and basic analysis techniques. The following excellent resources
should be consulted for further information:
￿ Sampling and analysis for plant population studies: Elzinga et al. ( 1998 )
￿ Plant community data analysis, especially of multivariate data: McCune and
Grace ( 2002 ) and Kenkel ( 2006 )
￿ Using vegetation as an indicator of wetland quality: U.S. EPA ( 2002 )
￿ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory: http://www.fws.
￿ U.S. Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.
Allen TFH, Wyleto EP (1983) A hierarchical model for the complexity of plant-communities.
J Theor Biol 101:529-540
Andreas BK, Mack JJ, McCormac JS (2004) Floristic Quality Assessment Index (FQAI) for
vascular plants and mosses for the State of Ohio. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency,
Division of Surface Water, Wetland Ecology Group, Columbus
Atkinson RB, Perry JE, Smith E, Cairns J (1993) Use of created wetland delineation and weighted
averages as a component of assessment. Wetlands 13:185-193
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