Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.12 Major land resource regions (Published with kind permission of US Department of
Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service ( 2006 ). Figure is public domain in the USA.
All Rights Reserved)
The descriptions of the Field Indicators are structured as follows:
1. Alpha-numeric listing (A, S, or F Indicators)
2. Short name
3. Applicable land resource regions (LRRs)
4. Description of the field indicator
5. User notes
For example, A2 is the second indicator in the “all soils” category; the short
name is Histic Epipedon ; the indicator is for use in all LRRs ; the description is a
histic epipedon underlain by mineral soil material with chroma of 2 or less . Helpful
user notes are added.
4.10.2 Terminology
There are many important definitions that must be understood to properly use the
Field Indicators. Many can be found in the glossary of the Field Indicators of Hydric
Soils publication (USDA 2010a ). Some of these definitions may be slightly differ-
ent than the use of the same term for other purposes such as for use in soil taxonomy
and soil survey. When a term that describes an indicator differs from other soil
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