Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
6.2 Adding Sound
Let's begin adding sounds in the main activity:
//Initializes all the media streams, adding them into a soundPool
public void initSound(){
try {
int i=0;
int [] sounds = {,R.raw.score,R.raw.good,R.raw.pass,R.raw.over
//New HashMap to store all the media streams
soundMap = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
SoundPool(MAX_SOUND,AudioManager. STREAM_MUSIC ,0);
for ( int sfx : sounds) {
soundMap.put(i++, soundPool.load(RaccoonRob. this , sfx, 1));
catch (Exception e){}
Then implement the playSound(), resumeSound(), stopSound(), and stopAllSound() meth-
//Plays the stream specified by the streamID
sound - the streamID to be played
loop - loop mode, 0 - no loop, -1 - loop forever
public void playSound( int sound, int loop){
try {, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, loop, 1.0f);
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