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7.4 Edge Commons
The Edge Commons is a collection of useful, additional functions for Edge Ani-
mate. Together with a few of my colleagues, I have published Edge Commons—
Dirty Little Helpers for Edge Animate , a library under open source MIT license at and GitHub (
simonwidjaja/EdgeCommons). Not only may you use Edge Commons free of
charge in commercial projects, you are also cordially invited to get involved. If
you want to contribute code or ideas and would like to participate in testing and
documentation, email me at: Due to its openness, the
library is growing and thriving, and many new features were already in the plan-
ning phase at the time of this writing. To hear about the latest developments,
check out my website or my Twitter feed (@ simonwidjaja). At the time of this
writing, Edge Commons includes the following functions:
1. Advanced Logging (various levels and groups)
2. Configuration (external or internal configuration layer)
3. Sound (integration of CreateJS / SoundJS by Grant Skinner)
4. Adaptive layouts (different layouts for different sizes)
5. Data injection (injecting data from HTML into Edge Animate)
6. CMS Integration for Drupal and WordPress (by Timm Jansen)
7. Parallax scrolling (without code)
8. Composition loader (nesting compositions in any order)
9. Spotlight overlay (overlay for elements such as YouTube videos)
10. Speed Control (controlling the speed of animations)
In addition, Edge Commons also provides smaller helper functions such as
centering the Edge Animate Stage within a web page.
7.4.1 Edge Docks
The website, a whole website devoted to Edge Tools
& Services, was launched simultaneously with the release of Edge Commons
version 1.0. The idea behind this website was to create a central meet-up and
resource center for Edge-related content. This was what prompted me, together
with some of my colleagues, to create the Edge Docks platform.
This is basically the home of the Edge Commons. Here you will find several
examples and actual projects, as well as detailed documentation. Edge Dock
also offers many tutorials and news on both Edge Commons and general Edge
Tools & Services.
. Edge Docks news,
tutorials, component marketplace,
and home of the Edge Commons
extension library.
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