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1.2 Moving Target: Open Web Standards
HTML5 is one of the many buzzwords currently dominating the web coding and
design community. But HTML5 actually means more than just the next genera-
tion of open markup language. HTML5 often refers to the entire set of open web
standards such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which can be deceptive. Although
the trio is already being called the web standard, the latest versions of all three
technologies have not yet been adopted as a standard. For example, HTML5
will supposedly only receive recommendation status from the W3C (World Wide
Web Consortium) in 2014. Even though these are still works in progress, most of
the new features are already supported in modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome,
Safari or Internet Explorer 9/10. This information is important in order to under-
stand why Edge Animate does not entirely support certain functions. Audio
playback is a very good example. While HTML5 can play sound files, the differ-
ence in results across browsers is still so major that a simple sound integration is
not possible without extra steps. Before offering an incomplete solution, Adobe
has intentionally avoided this function for the time being. We can definitely ex-
pect to see support for sound integration once the browser problems become
less of an issue. However, until that happens, you can use other libraries, such as
SoundJS or Edge Commons, to implement the missing functions on your own.
. HTML5: Current Version
The current version of HTML5 speci-
fications can be found on the official
website of the W3C: http://www.
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