Travel Reference
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Top Sights
El Faro de las Cabezas de San Juan A2
Playa Seven Seas A2
1 Puerto del Rey Marina B2
Activities, Courses & Tours
La Casa del Mar (see 2)
Sea Ventures Dive Center (see 1)
2 El Conquistador Resort & Golden Door Spa B2
3 Fajardo Inn B2
4 Passion Fruit B&B B2
5 Playa Seven Seas Camping B2
Blue Iguana (see 3)
6 Calizo Seafood B2
7 La Estación B2
8 La B de Burro A2
9 Pasión por el Fogón B2
10 Puerto Nativo B3
Blue Iguana (see 3)
El Conquistador Resort & Golden Door Spa (see 2)
Las Cabezas de San Juan NATURE RESERVE
( 787-722-5882/860-2560; ; Hwy 987 at Las Croabas; adult/
child $8/5; 9am-4pm Wed-Sun, Spanish tours 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am & 2pm,
English tours 2pm) A 316-acre nodule of land on Puerto Rico's extreme northeast tip,
the Las Cabezas de San Juan Reserva Natural 'El Faro' protects a bioluminescent bay,
rare flora and fauna, lush rainforest, various trails and boardwalks, and an important sci-
entific research center. Despite its diminutive size, the reserve shelters seven - yes seven -
different ecological systems, including beaches, lagoons, dry forest, coral reefs and man-
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