Digital Signal Processing Reference
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function [hpac] = compacLPF(h);
% compacLPF
returns the compacted half-band low-pass FIR filter
coefficients. All zero values are removed from
the filter leaving half its original length. The output is
then further reduced by half due to the symmetry of the
filter. Final length is approximately quarter of its
original length.
% Usage:
[hpac] = compacLPF(h)
% Input:
full length half-band filter coefficients
% Output:
compacted half-band filter coefficients
% Notes:
(1) The input filter h must be full length containing
symmetry about center coefficient h(L/2+1).
(2) L must be even.
(3) The output filter hpac uses the symmetry of h after zero
removal and therefore is one quarter of the original length.
(4) h should be either a single column or row vector.
[r,c] = size(h); if (r > 1)&(c == 1) h = h'; end
[r,c] = size(h); L = length(h)-1;
hpac(1:fix(L/4)) = 0;
if (r == 1)&(c > 1)
R = rem(L,2);
if R == 0
R1 = rem(L,4);
if R1 == 0
P = L/4;
hpac(1:P) = h(2:2:2*P);
hpac(P+1) = h(L/2+1);
elseif R1 ~= 0
P = floor(L/4)+1;
hpac(1:P) = h(1:2:2*P-1);
hpac(P+1) = h(L/2+1);
elseif R ~= 0
disp('compac warning: filter length must be odd.');
disp('compac warning: h must be a row or column vector.');
function used to compact half-band low-pass filters.
Figure 2.24 Matlab
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