Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Greg Brue, Robert Launsby. Design for Six Sigma . McGraw-Hill, United States;
2. Greg Brue. Six Sigma for Managers . McGraw-Hill, United States; 2002:29.
3. Greg Brue. Six Sigma for Managers . McGraw-Hill, United States; 2002:29.
4. Thomas Pyzdek. The Six Sigma Handbook . McGraw-Hill, 2 nd
edition, United
States; 2003:238.
5. Thomas Pyzdek. The Six Sigma Handbook . McGraw-Hill, 2 nd
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States; 2003:28 - 29.
6. BC Cloete, A Bester. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 2012;
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7. Alex Dmitrienko, Christy Chuang-Stein, Ralph B D'Agostino. Pharmaceutical
Statistics using SAS: a Practical Guide . SAS Publishing, Cary, NC; 2007:4.
8. John LaMattina. Drug Truths . New York: Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ;
2009:16 - 17.
9. R Cooper, S Edgett, E Kleinschmidt. Portfolio Management for New Products .
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA; 1998:4.
10. R. Cooper. Winning at New Products .4 th ed. Basic Books, New York, NY; 2011.
11. Dr. Patrick McDonald, personal communication, 1978.
12. Alex Scott. Chemical and Engineering News 2013; 91(21):30.
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