Chemistry Reference
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46. Andrew H Cobb, John PH Reade. HerbicidesandPlantPhysiology .2 nd Ed. New
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49. Todd Funke, Huijong Han, Martha L Healy-Fried, Markus Fischer, Ernst
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50. Andrew H Cobb, John PH Reade. HerbicidesandPlantPhysiology .2 nd Ed. New
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51. W Kramer, U Schirmer, editors. Modern Crop Protection Compounds .Vol.1.
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55. Hideo Ohkawa, Hisahi Miyagawa, Philip Lee. Pesticide Chemistry .NewYork:
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64. W Kramer, U Schirmer, editors. Modern Crop Protection Compounds .Vol.2.
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65. Melody Bomgardner. Chemical and Engineering News 2011; 89(16):16.
66. Hideo Ohkawa, Hisahi Miyagawa, Philip Lee. Pesticide Chemistry .NewYork:
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