Graphics Programs Reference
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Title is set in Gill Sans, bullets in Gill Sans Light. They are different enough but also more harmonious as they
are from the same type family.
This type of problem can even occur using type from the same family but slight variations
in size. For example, if one line is 48 points and another line is 45 points, the slight
difference in size looks accidental. Are they supposed to be different? If so, what does
the difference mean? You can prevent confusion by making sure that the type for various
levels of meaning (heads, subheads, and body text) are markedly different in size,
weight, style, family, and so forth.
Type that sets a tone
Classic typefaces categorized as serif or sans serif—in all their many forms—can
certainly be used to evoke feelings beyond the mere meaning of the words. For
example, a large, bold version of a classic sans serif may suggest power,
assertiveness, or confidence, whereas the same type in a smaller and lighter version will
be more subtle and suggest a quieter confidence, humility, or calm. Some typefaces call
more attention to themselves than others. While the form of a simple typeface such as
Helvetica is essentially neutral, other typefaces call great attention to their forms.
Depending on your content, an offbeat, overly formal, or otherwise unusual typeface can
be very effective at creating a certain mood (see page 59 for an example). It is
important, however, to use discretion when using typefaces with pronounced
personalities. Be careful, for example, to not use a typeface that is incongruous with the
meaning of the words or the desired effect.
Text placement on slides
When you insert a new text box in slideware, the type you enter is horizontal. This is
obviously a good default choice, but you may consider placing text at angles or in an
unconventional location (depending on the subject and audience). Unusual placement
from time to time adds a dynamic dimension. Most people never think to use a rotated
effect for text, yet it is an effective technique when done with discretion. Type placed at
an angle will get attention if all the other elements—including other type—have perfectly
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