Graphics Programs Reference
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chapter have in common is that they are simple, highly visual, and served a successful
supportive role in a live talk, augmenting the presenter's narrative and helping to make
things clear. Here are just a few things to keep in mind as you prepare and design your
own slides:
• Develop a clear design priority and make it easy for a viewer to understand the
important points in your slides.
• Avoid the death-by-PowerPoint approach and don't clutter your slides with overly
complicated graphics, bullet points, and too many color schemes or font choices.
• See and use empty space for a more powerful design that brings clarity to your
• Use images and text in interesting ways, but always remember to balance your
• Work animation into your slides for an added layer of emotional impact.
• Look for the similarities as well as the contrasts to bring unity to your slides.
Wagasa images on the last page of each chapter courtesy of Mr. Kotaro Nishibori,
Hiyoshiya Co., Ltd. in Kyoto, Japan.
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