Graphics Programs Reference
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Storytelling is a shared experience between both speaker and listener. Images can help
make that experience more powerful because they help us connect better with our
audience. In the topic Going Visual (Wiley, 2005), authors Alexis Gerard and Bob
Goldstein have this to say about using images:
...images have a unique power not just to convey information, but
also to build unity and consensus around that information to
promote action and decision making.... Because images are
complete and detailed and deliver an information experience that
has greater impact than words, a common base of visual
information proves to be the most efficient form of shared
experience from which to make decisions.
Gerard and Goldstein explain that the evolution of visual communication technology
consists of three main elements:
• Skill level—technology has made visual communication easier to produce.
• Time requirements—creating and using images takes less time today.
• Audience reach—technology now allows us to communicate with more people
In one of my past presentations I showed the evolution of visual communication as
explained in Going Visual by creating these simple slides that were very effective at
instantly showing that we have indeed come a long way in the evolution of visual
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