Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Basically, the Item class will contain the informaion that we need to show for every
3. Next, we go to the Start() funcion and add the highlighted code:
public function Start () : void {
b_openMenu = false; //Set our menu disabled at the first run
gui_weaponCon = GUIContent(s_unequip);
gui_armorCon = GUIContent(s_unequip);
gui_accessCon = GUIContent(s_unequip);
gui_skillCon = GUIContent("");
4. We just finished all the setup that we need for our status page in the menu window.
Next, we go to DoMyWindow (windowID : int) and uncomment the highlighted
line as follows:
switch (in_toolbar) {
case 0 : //Status
//Create a status page
5. Next, we need to create a StatusWindow() funcion, as follows:
private function StatusWindow() : void {
GUI.Box (r_statBox, "");
GUI.Box (r_weaponBox, "");
GUI.DrawTexture(r_statTexture1, t_statusBox1);
GUI.DrawTexture(r_statTexture2, t_statusBox2);
GUI.DrawTexture(r_skillBox, t_skillBox);
GUI.Label(r_hpLabel, currentHP.ToString() + "/" + fullHP.
ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_mpLabel, currentMP.ToString() + "/" + fullMP.
ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_lvLabel, currentLV.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_expLabel, currentEXP.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_nextLabel, currentNEXT.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_atkLabel, currentATK.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_defLabel, currentDEF.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_agiLabel, currentAGI.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_intLabel, currentINT.ToString(), "Text Amount");
GUI.Label(r_lucLabel, currentLUC.ToString(), "Text Amount");
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