Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
public var a_items : Item[]; //items array that the character
currently has
public var a_skills : Texture[]; //skills array that the character
currently has
private var currentWeapon : Item; //current weapon that character
private var currentArmor : Item; //current armor that character
private var currentAccessory : Item; //current accessory that
character uses
private var currentItem : Item; //current item that character uses
private var currentSkill : Texture; //current skill that character
private var s_unequip : String = "UNEQUIP";
private var s_none : String = "NONE";
//Status Tab
private var maxHP : int = 9999; //Maximum limit of HP
private var maxMP : int = 999; //Maximum limit of MP
private var maxLV : int = 99; //Maximum limit of LV
private var maxEXP : int = 9999999; //Maximum limit of EXP
private var maxNEXT : int = 99999; //Maximum limit of NEXT
private var maxATK : int = 999; //Maximum limit of ATK
private var maxDEF : int = 999; //Maximum limit of DEF
private var maxAGI : int = 999; //Maximum limit of AGI
private var maxINT : int = 999; //Maximum limit of INT
private var maxLUC : int = 999; //Maximum limit of LUC
//Rect position for the GUI
private var r_statTexture1 : Rect = new Rect (252, 77, 331, 125);
private var r_statTexture2 : Rect = new Rect (252, 244, 331, 142);
private var r_hpLabel : Rect = new Rect (313, 75, 120, 25);
private var r_mpLabel : Rect = new Rect (313, 100, 120, 25);
private var r_lvLabel : Rect = new Rect (313, 124, 120, 25);
private var r_expLabel : Rect = new Rect (313, 150, 120, 25);
private var r_nextLabel : Rect = new Rect (313, 177, 120, 25);
private var r_atkLabel : Rect = new Rect (529, 75, 50, 25);
private var r_defLabel : Rect = new Rect (529, 100, 50, 25);
private var r_agiLabel : Rect = new Rect (529, 124, 50, 25);
private var r_intLabel : Rect = new Rect (529, 150, 50, 25);
private var r_lucLabel : Rect = new Rect (529, 177, 50, 25);
private var r_statBox : Rect = new Rect (237, 67, 360, 147);
private var r_weaponBox : Rect = new Rect (237, 230, 360, 207);
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