Game Development Reference
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Engage Thrusters
We will start with assigning the status parameters for our character and displaying them on
our menu:
1. Let's go back to MonoDevelop and add more code to our Menu.js . Include these
variables before the Start funcion:
public var fullHP : int = 9999; //The current full HP
public var fullMP : int = 999; //The current full MP
public var currentHP : int = 9999; //The current HP
public var currentMP : int = 999; //The current MP
public var currentLV : int = 99; //The current LV
public var currentEXP : int = 9999999; //The current EXP
public var currentNEXT : int = 99999; //The current NEXT
public var currentATK : int = 999; //The current ATK
public var currentDEF : int = 999; //The current DEF
public var currentAGI : int = 999; //The current AGI
public var currentINT : int = 999; //The current INT
public var currentLUC : int = 999; //The current LUC
public var a_weapons : Item[]; //weapons array that the character
currently has
public var a_armors : Item[]; //armors array that the character
currently has
public var a_accessories : Item[]; //accessories array that the
character currently has
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