Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Vertical Scrollbar Up Button
F Normal | Background : arrowUNormal.png
F Hover | Background : arrowUHover.png
F Fixed Width : 16
F Fixed Height : 14
Vertical Scrollbar Down Button
F Normal | Background : arrowDNormal.png
F Hover | Background : arrowDHover.png
F Fixed Width : 16
F Fixed Height : 14
We have finished the setup of the default style.
11. Now we will go to the Custom Styles property and create our custom GUIStyle to
use for this menu; go to Custom Styles and under Size change the number to 6 .
Then, we will see Element 0 to Element 5 .
12. Next, we go to the first element or Element 0 ; under Name type Tab Button , and we
will see Element 0 change to Tab Button . Set it as follows:
F Tab Button (or Element 0 )
Name : Tab Button
B ackground : tabButtonNormal.png
Text Color : R: 27 , G: 62 , B: 67 , A: 255
F Hover
Background : tabButtonHover.png
Text Color : R: 211 , G: 166 , B: 9 , A: 255
F Active
Background : tabButtonActive.png
Text Color : R: 27 , G: 62 , B: 67 , A: 255
F On Normal:
Background : tabButtonActive.png
Text Color : R: 27 , G: 62 , B: 67 , A: 255
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