Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
We just inished creaing a restart buton for our plaform game. We used Destroy and
Instantiate to remove and create a new clone of the object from the prefab. We also
added a sound efect to our restart buton and character. Then, we set audio.volume to
1.0; to set the volume of our sound effect and used audio.PlayOneShot(AudioClip);
to play a sound effect once it is triggered.
Classified Intel
In restartButton , we can also add Application.LoadLevel(LevelName) to
reset our game, which is much easier than using instantiate , but the Application.
LoadLevel will destroy all the game objects in the scene and reload again. In this case, we
use instantiate in our game because we only have one scene and don't want to load the
whole game level again. However, we can also put DontDestroyOnLoad() in the Awake()
funcion of the object that we don't want to destroy, but it needs a bit of setup. So, there is
no right or wrong. It depends on what we want to use or where we want the project to go.
Game over-Wrapping it up
We just created a simple 2D plaform game, and it is our irst piece to get started with Unity.
In this chapter, we have learnt how to manage a sprite animaion by adjusing the Tiling
and Offset of the material. We have gone through the MonoDevelop scriping editor and
created a JavaScript class. Also, we have learnt the basics of how to use Input Manager ,
Physics Raycast , Gizmos , and Collider . Finally, we have atached the sound efect and a
restart buton to our game. Let's take a look at what we have:
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