Game Development Reference
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2. Next, we create another material for our door; go to Assets | Create | Material ,
name it M_Door , and set the following:
Shader : Diffuse
Main Color : R: 219 , G: 255 , B: 255 , A: 255
Base (RGB )
Drag-and-drop our doorClose.png in the Graphics/Level to the
texture thumbnail in the material inspector
3. Before we create our mesh object, we have to create a new Tag for our Door and
Key , so go to Edit | Project Settings | Tags .
4. Under the Element 3 type Door , and under Element 4 type Key . Now, we will create
a key object by using a plane in Unity; it's very similar to our Player . So, go to the
Plane prefab object in the FBX folder and drag it into the Hierarchy view.
5. In the Hierarchy view, right-click on the Plane prefab object, and choose Rename to
change the name to Key .
6. Next, right-click on the Animation component in the Inspector view and choose the
Remove Component opion to remove it. We will see the pop-up window, so just
click on the Continue buton similar to how we did for our Player object.
7. Click on this object and go to its Inspector view, and set the following:
Tag : Key
Position : x: 21 , y: 7.5 , z: 0
Rotation : x: 0 , y: 180 , z: 0
Scale : x: 2.75 , y: 2.75 , z: 2.75
8. Assign our M_Key to this material. Then add the Box Collider to the Key as we
did for our Player ; go to Component | Physics | Box Collider set Size: x: 1 , y: 1 , z: 1
and Center: x: 0 , y: 0 , z: 0 , and toggle Is Trigger to true .
9. Copy the Key by pressing Command + D or Control + D to create the Door object.
Then, we name it Door , assign material M_Door to it, and set the following:
Tag : Door
Position : x: 19.5 , y: 16 , z: 0
Rotation : x: 0 , y: 180 , z: 0
Scale : x: 7.5 , y: 7.5 , z: 1
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