Game Development Reference
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class MyClass {
public int myVar = 1;
void MyClass() {
Debug.Log("Hello World!");
If you are inheriing from MonoBehaviour , you should not
use constructors or destructors. Instead, use the event handler
funcions Start , Awake , and OnEnabled .
Limited interface support
While Unity's JavaScript does support inheritance and interfaces, it has very limiing caveat
that you can either inherit your class from an exising class, or declare one interface.
JavaScript (only one allowed):
class MyClass extends MyObject {…}
class MyClass : MonoBehaviour, IMyObject, IMyItem {…}
The C# syntax supports generics that allows you to use classes and methods, which do
not specifically declare a type. Instead, the type is passed as a parameter when calling the
method or instaniaing the class at runime.
.Net comes with some useful generic classes, such as the List and Dictionary , and
Unity's own API has some generic funcions, which remove the need for some of the verbose
casing that would otherwise be necessary in C#.
//Automatically cast the correct type
var someScript : MyScript = GetComponent(MyScript);
//or using the Generic version in Javascript
var someScript : MyScript = GetComponent.<MyScript>();
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