Game Development Reference
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17. Then, go to OnCollisionEnter(collision : Collision) and add the
following highlighted lines of code:
//Checking for the collision if the rocket hit the AI
public function OnCollisionEnter(collision : Collision) : void {
if (collision.transform.tag == "Rocket") {
var rocket : Rocket = collision.gameObject.
var f_damage : float = rocket.getDamage();
aiHP -= f_damage;
b_isGotHit = true;
if (aiHP <= 0) {
aiHP = 0;
var obj_aiPrefab : GameObject = Instantiate(aiRagdoll,
transform.position, transform.rotation);
18. Save the AIController script, and go back to the Project view; click on the AI
Prefab , and go to the Inspector view.
19. We will go to the Ai Ragdoll under the AIController (Script) and drag robot_AI_
ragdoll to this Ai Ragdoll parameter, as shown in the following screenshot:
With that we are done with this step. We can click Play and see the result—when we kill the
AI, we will see that the ragdoll game object ( the one that we just created) replaces the AI.
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