Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
8. The next step is the Update() funcion, which will control all the movement and
animaion of our enemy. So, let's type it as follows:
public function Update() : void {
if (StaticVars.b_isGameOver == false) {
var v3_rocketDirection : Vector3 = (player.position -
//Checking if the enemy position is away from the waypoint in
the certain distance,
//Make the enemy stop running, shooting, and walk back to the
target waypoint
if (wayPoint.AwayFromWaypoint(transform, waypointDistance)) {
b_isAiming = false;
b_isRun = false;
} else {
//Checking if the enemy is not aiming - check for running
if (!Shoot(v3_rocketDirection)) {
//Checking if the ai is run or not aiming
9. Coninue to add the following script in the Update() funcion, which will check
when the enemy isn't aiming, and then we will check for b_isRun to see if the
enemy is running or not:
if (!b_isAiming) {
//If the ai is running don't make it think
//Get the direction
if (b_isRun) {
var v3_targetDirection : Vector3 = wayPoint.
GetDirectionToPlayer(transform, player); //Move Direct to the
} else {
if (thinkingTime > 0) {
if (!IsThinking()) {
v3_targetDirection = wayPoint.GetDirection(transform);
//Use random Direction
} else {
v3_targetDirection =;
} else {
v3_targetDirection = wayPoint.GetDirection(transform);
//Use random Direction
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