Game Development Reference
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Now, we are done with the Waypoints script. Go back to Unity editor to create the waypoint
game object by going to GameObject | Create Empty to create the empty game object
and name it Waypoints . Then, drag the Waypoints script (that we just created) to this
Waypoints game object, and set its Transform | Position to X: 0 , Y: 0 , Z: 0 , Rotation X:0 , Y:
0 , Z: 0 , Scale X: 1 , Y: 1 , Z: 1 , or we can click on the litle gear in the Inspector view and choose
Reset to reset all to the default posiions, as shown in the following screenshot:
You will see something similar to the following screenshot:
Right now, we have the irst or start posiion of the waypoint. We need more waypoint
posiions, which is very easy to achieve. You just need to create a new empty game object again
and drag Waypoints inside. Go to GameObject | Create Empty to create the empty game
object and name it Waypoint . Then, we drag the object to Waypoints , which we already
have in the scene, and set its transform posiion to X: 5.2 , Y: 0 , Z: 4.3 . We can also create more
waypoints by pressing Crtl + D (in Windows) or Command + D (on a Mac) to duplicate another
four Waypoint game object, and set all these objects' transform posiions as follows:
F Position X: 7.2 Y: 0 Z: 10.2
F Position X: 3.4 Y: 0 Z: 12.1
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