Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Now, we are done with this step. In the next step, we will adjust and add some code to
control the animaion and movement of our character the FPSInputController script.
Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
Basically, what we have done here is preparing the scene ready for the next step. In this step,
we added the direcional light, level prefab, and the built-in First Person Controller
prefab to the scene. We also adjusted the built-in First Person Controller prefab by
removing the Graphics object from the prefab object and adding the robot prefab as a
child of the Main Camera of the First Person Controller prefab object for the new
graphics, which we will see from the Main Camera , as shown in the following screenshot:
However, we will see the character's arm block half of the screen, which is because we don't
have the script to control the animaion, yet. We will do that in the next step.
Classified Intel
At the beginning of this chapter, we imported the Chapter5.unityPackage file, but what
about exporing?
A good way to share assets between projects is by exporing them as
unitypackage . A unitypackage also saves the import seings of
the assets. To make it easier to include all needed assets, the export dialog
automaically checks for dependencies. To export assets as unitypackage ,
just select the items, right-click, and choose Export Package .
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