Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Project 5
Build a Rocket
In this chapter, we will learn how to create a rocket launcher. Here, we will first use the FPS
camera and controller from the Unity built-in FPS package, but we will tweak our camera
view to see from the character's shoulder as in Resident Evil 4 or 5. We will also take the
character model and animaion from the FPS tutorial package from Unity, which we can
download from the following website: .
Then, we will adapt the built-in FPS controller script to be able to play the animaion of
the character, and make the controller similar to the Resident Evil style controller. Next, we
will create a rocket prefab and the rocket launcher script to fire our rocket, which will also
include the use of the built-in ire explosion paricle and custom smoke paricle efect from
the launcher when we fire.
Mission briefing
We will create a character that carries a rocket launcher and is able to shoot it as well as
creaing the camera view looking back from the character shoulder (third-person camera
view). Then, we will add the character controller script to control our character, and the
player will have to hold the Aim buton to be able to shoot the rocket, similar to the
Resident Evil 4 or 5 styles.
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