Game Development Reference
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//If the character has no velocity or very close to 0 show idle
if(controller.velocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.1) {
animation[].speed = idleAnimationSpeed;
animation.CrossFade(, 0.1);
} else { //Checking if the character walks or runs
if (b_isRun) {
animation[].speed = runAnimationSpeed;
animation.CrossFade(, 0.1);
} else {
animation[].speed = walkAnimationSpeed;
animation.CrossFade(, 0.1);
//Update rotation of the character
if (v3_moveDirection != {
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(v3_
We just added the script to check what the animaion clip should play when the
character is in each acion. In the irst secion, we are checking if we are jumping. If we
are, we play also, Jump and not jump . If we are falling down, we play the Fall and not
fall . Then, if we are moving by walking, we play Walk Animation . If we are running, we
play Run Animation . If we are not doing anything, we play Idle Animation .
3. Finally, we go back to Unity and add the animaion clip to our character by clicking
on the Heroine_animate object in the Hierarchy View to bring up its Inspector
view, under the Character Control component in the Inspector view, and set
the following:
Idle Animation : idle
Walk Animation : walk
Run Animation : run
Jump Animation : jump
Fall Animation : fall
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