Game Development Reference
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Why is the name of this funcion not RampSpecular ? First, we call this
funcion by using #pragma surface surf RampSpecular , but to have
this funcion working properly, we need to add Lighting in front of the
name of our custom lighing funcion, so that Unity will know that this funcion
is a custom lighing funcion. This is the way that the surface shaders are set up
in Unity. You can find out more details from the following website:
In this funcion, we irst get the ambient color value by geing s.Albedo , which is
the parameter from the surf() funcion o.Albedo , and then muliply the s.Albedo
by _AmbientColor.rgb , where _AmbientColor is the color informaion from the
Properties secion at the beginning of our code.
The fixed , half , and float parameters in Cg/HLSL can contain one,
two, three, or four values of loaing number such as 1.0, (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0,
1.0), or (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) by calling it fixed , fixed2 , fixed3 , fixed4 ,
half , half2 , half3 , half4 , float , float2 , float3 , float4 . We
can also access the value in these parameters by using (x, y, z, w) or (r, g, b,
a). For example, if you have fixed4 color = (1.0, 0.5, 0.3,
0.8); and you want to create another parameter, which will contain only
three values (1.0, 0.5, 0.3) from the fixed4 color , you can do
it like this: fixed3 newColor = color.rgb; . However, if we want
the newColor value equal to (0.5, 1.0, 0.3) , you can do it like this:
fixed3 newColor = color.grb; .
Then, we calculate the difuse color by geing the dot product of the surface normal of the
object ( s.Normal ) that we pass out from the surf() funcion ( o.Normal ), and the light
direcion ( fixed NdotL = dot (s.Normal, lightDir); ). Then, we use that value to
muliply with the object difuse texture ( s.Albedo ) and light color ( _LightColor0.rgb ),
which is similar to the Lambert model.
Next, we calculate the specular color by irst geing the normalize vector of light direcion
and view direcion ( fixed3 h = normalize (lightDir + viewDir); ). In float
nh = saturate(dot (s.Normal, h)); , we calculate the dot product of the surface
normal and normalize vector, and make sure that the return number isn't greater than 1
or lower than 0 by using saturate() . Then, we use nh to calculate the specular power
by powering it with the _Glossiness properies ( float specPower = pow (nh, _
Glossiness);) , and we get the specular color from muliplying the light color, specular
power, and the specular color properies (_LightColor0.rgb * specPower * _
SpecularColor.rgb; ), which is similar to the Blinn-Phong model.
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