Java Reference
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As we can see, NetBeans automatically generates a simple "Hello World" web
service. The class level @WebService annotation marks our class as a web service.
The method level @WebMethod annotation marks the annotated method as a web
service operation; its operationName attribute defines the name of the web service
operation, this is the name to be used by the web service clients. The @WebParam
annotation is used to define the properties of the web service operation parameters.
In the generated web service, the name attribute is used to specify the name of the
parameter in the WSDL that is generated when the web service is deployed.
NetBeans allows us to modify our web services via a graphical interface. We can simply
add and/or remove web service operations and parameters by pointing and clicking,
and the corresponding method stubs and annotations are automatically added to our
web service's code. To access the graphical web service designer, we simply need to
click on the Design button at the top right of the web service source code.
The first thing we need to do is to remove the automatically generated operation,
all we need to do to accomplish this is to click on the Remove Operation button.
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