Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Developing Web Applications
using JavaServer Faces 2.0
In the previous two chapters we covered how to develop web applications in Java
using Servlets and JSPs. Although a lot of legacy applications have been written
using these APIs, most modern Java web applications are written using some kind of
web application framework. The standard framework for building web applications
is Java Server Faces ( JSF ). In this chapter we will see how using JSF can simplify web
application development.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
• Creating a JSF project with NetBeans
• Laying out JSF tags by taking advantage of the JSF <h:panelGrid> tag
• Using static and dynamic navigation to deine navigation between pages
• Using the NetBeans New JSF Managed Bean wizard to create a JSF managed
• Implementing custom JSF validators
• How to easily generate JSF 2.0 templates via NetBeans wizards
• How to easily create JSF 2.0 composite components with NetBeans
Introduction to JavaServer faces
Before JSF existed, most Java web applications were typically developed using
non-standard web application frameworks such as Apache Struts, Tapestry, Spring
Web MVC, or many others. These frameworks are built on top of the Servlet and JSP
standards, and automate a lot of functionality that needs to be manually coded when
using these APIs directly.
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