Java Reference
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In this case the Variable Name field will hold the number of rows that were deleted,
the Scope and Data Source fields hold the scope for the Variable Name field and the
JNDI name for the data source to be used to connect to the database, respectively.
The Delete Statement field contains the SQL DELETE statement we will use to
delete data from the database, notice in our example, we used a question mark as a
placeholder for an <sql:param> tag.
After clicking on the OK button, the following markup is generated in our page:
<sql:update var="deletedRows" dataSource="jdbc/sample">
DELETE FROM customer
In order to substitute the question mark with the appropriate value, we need to add
an <sql:param> tag inside the <sql:update> tag.
<sql:update var="deletedRows" dataSource="jdbc/sample">
DELETE FROM customer
WHERE name like ?
<sql:param value="Ensode%"/>
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