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Once X j is not selected, then we can simply set ʷ j,m =0and ʲ j,m =0for all
m =1 ,...,M .Otherwise,ifthevariable X j is included in S ,i.e. ʴ j =1, then we need
to check if X j is active or not for each individual response Y m separately. Following
the component-wise Gibbs sampler in Chen et al. (2011) [2], the likelihood ratio Q j,m
of the variable X j with respect to the m -th model, Y m , is computed and can be shown
Q j,m = P ( Y m |
ʷ j,m =1 −j,m −j,m ,˃,ʴ j =1)
P ( Y m |
ʷ j,m =0 −j,m −j,m ,˃,ʴ j =1)
( R j,m X j ) 2 ˄ j,m
2 ˃ 2 ( ˃ 2 + X j X j ˄ j,m )
X j X j ˄ j,m + ˃ 2 ·
j,m j,m exp r j,m
= ˃ 2
2 ˃ 2
Based on both likelihood ratio functions, Eq. (10) and Eq. (11), the corresponding
posterior probabilities of ʴ j =1and ʷ j,m =1can be derived. The proposed Gibbs
sampling algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 2. Note that we would start from the
null model by setting ʴ j =0; ʷ j,m =0and ʲ j,m =0for all j and m . Based on our
experiences, this initial model works well.
Algorithm 2: The Two-Layer Gibbs Sampler for Support Recovery
1. Randomly select a variable X j . Compute R j,m = Y m i = j X i ʲ i,m for m =
1 ,
,M .
2. Compute the likelihood ratio Z j according to Eq. (10), and then evaluate the poste-
rior probability of ʴ j
(1 − ʸ j ) Z j
P ( ʴ j =1
| Y
−j ,
ʲ −j,m ,m =1 ,
ʸ j ) Z j + ʸ j
3. Sample ʴ j based on the posterior probability in Eq. (12). If ʴ j =0,thenset ʷ j,m =
0 and ʲ j,m =0,forall m =1 ,
,M ,
compute the likelihood ratio Q j,m according to Eq. (11), and sample ʷ j,m based on
the posterior probability
,M . Otherwise, for each m =1 ,
ˁ j,m ) Q j,m
P ( ʷ j,m =1
Y m −j,m −j,m )=
ˁ j,m ) Q j,m + ˁ j,m
If ʷ j,m =0,set ʲ j,m =0; otherwise, sample ʲ j,m ∼ N ( r j,m 2
j,m ).
4. After repeat above steps for all variables, compute the current residual matrix,
Res =
, ( diaq ( Res Res )) /M + b
IG ( a + n
B . Then sample ˃ 2
Step 1.
3.3 Sample Version of Two-Layer Gibbs Sampler
In Algorithm 2, the computation of Z j in Eq. (10) involves 2 M cases and can be com-
putational expensive, especially when the number of the responses, M ,islarge.Tosave
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