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Algorithm 1: Group-Wise Gibbs Sampler for Support Recovery
1. Randomly select a variable X j . Compute R j,m = Y m i = j X i ʲ i,m ,for m =
1 ,
,M .
2. Compute the likelihood ratio Z j according to Eq. (6), and then evaluate the poste-
rior probability of ʴ j
ʸ j ) Z j
P ( ʴ j =1
| Y
−j ,
ʲ −j,m ,m =1 ,
ʸ j ) Z j + ʸ j
3. Sample ʴ j based on the posterior probability in (7). If ʴ j =0,thenset ʲ j,m =0,
m =1 ,
N ( r j,m 2
j,m ).
4. After repeat above steps for all variables, compute the current residual matrix,
Res =
,M , otherwise, sample ʲ j,m
, ( diaq ( Res Res )) /M + b
B . Then sample ˃ 2
IG ( a + n
Step 1.
Two-Layer Structure and Two-Layer Gibbs Sampler
In the group selection methods, once a variable, X j , is selection, then X j is active
for all the responses, Y 1 ,...,Y M . However, we can further assume that the selected
variable might not be active for all response vectors simultaneously. In other words, we
are interested in finding the best union of support sets, S , and we also assume that the
variable in S might be inactive for some response vectors. Therefore, unlike the single
indicator set-up in the group-wise Gibbs sampler, two nested sets of binary indicator
variables are used. The first set of indicators, ʴ =( ʴ 1 ,
p ) is associated with
variables, X 1 ,...,X p , respectively, and ʴ j is defined to indicate if the variable, X j ,
is active for any of the response vectors. Specifically if ʴ j =1, then the variable X j is
selected, and ʴ j =0otherwise. In the second indicator set, each indicator is associated
with a variable and a response vector, indicating whether this variable is active for
explaining the particular response vector. Thus for each variable X j ,wedefinethe
indicator vector ʷ ( j ) =( ʷ j, 1 ,
j,M ),andif ʷ j,m =1,thevariable X j is active for
the m -th response, Y m ,and ʷ j,m =0otherwise.
Similar to the group-wise Gibbs sampler, the prior distribution of ʴ j is also assumed
to follow the Bernoulli distribution with P ( ʴ j =0)= ʸ j and P ( ʴ j =1)=1
ʸ j ,i.e.
Ber (1
ʸ j ). Consider the prior assumption for the second set of indicators. Following
Chen et al. (2014) [3], the prior distribution of the indicator in the second set, ʷ j,m ,is
chosen as a mixture distribution depended on the indicator in the first set: ʴ j ,andis
represented as
ʷ j,m j (1 − ʴ j ) ʳ 0 + ʴ j Ber (1 − ˁ j,m ) ,
where P ( ʷ j,m =0)= ˁ j,m .BasedonEq.(8),ifthe j -th variable, X j , is not selected
in S ,i.e. ʴ j =0,then ʷ j,m =0for all m =1 ,...,M ,however,when ʴ j =1, ʷ j,m still
could be 0 or 1 due to the Bernoulli prior distribution. Then for the coefficient, ʲ j,m ,
given the indicators ʴ j and ʷ j,m , the prior distribution of ʲ j,m can be defined as
ʴ j ʷ j,m ) ʳ 0 + ʴ j ʷ j,m N (0 j,m ) .
ʲ j,m |
ʴ j j,m
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