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Proposed Method
The proposed Consequent-based Association Rules Summarization (CARS) method
is simple. First, an association rule mining method with certain interestingness
threshold settings is applied to a dataset. If the support-and-confidence framework is
used, then its settings can abbreviated as x A y C, where x is the percentage of
antecedent support threshold, and y is the percentage of confidence threshold. The
rules generated are then grouped based by the consequent. Each group of rules that
has the same consequent c forms a Rule Summary ( RS ), which consists of the
following definitions:
Consequent Frequency: Let R c = { r 1 , r 2 , …, r m } be a set of rules with the
same consequent c . That is, r R c : c r . The number of occurrences of c in
an RS is | R c | = m . We name | R c | as Consequent Frequency .
Antecedent Frequency: Let R a be a set of rules in R c (i.e., R a R c ), in which
each rule of R a contains antecedent a . That is, r R a : a r . The number of
times antecedent a appears in R c is | R a |. We name | R a | as Antecedent
Interestingness Metric Range ( f_range ): Let f be a function for measuring
the interestingness of rules in an RS , then the range of f is [ f min , f max ], where f min
= min( f ( r 1 ), f ( r 2 ), …, f ( r m )), and f max = max( f ( r 1 ), f ( r 2 ), …, f ( r m )). The function f
can be antecedent support, rule confidence, lift, etc.
With the abovementioned definitions, an RS has the following abstract representation:
a 1 * | R a1 |, a 2 * | R a2 |, …, a n * | R an | => c * m
with f_range : [ f min , f max ]
Supposed now a set of rules is generated from a dataset using x A y C, then rule
summaries can be derived from each set of rules that have common consequent(s).
Here we give an example of a rule summary from a set of two rules with the same
consequent, with x = 35%, and y = 80%.
Example 1.
Rule 1: A, B => C , with antecedent support = 42%, and confidence = 90%.
Rule 2: B => C , with antecedent support = 45%, and confidence = 92%.
Using the CARS approach, these two rules can be summarized as:
A*1, B*2 => C*2
With support range : [42%, 45%], and confidence range : [90%, 92%].
We now describe four properties of a Rule Summary using this example.
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