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The need for such a fusing system stems from the fact that there are many
ADAs that suffer from a certain percentage of error. By fusing and aggregat-
ing the outputs of multiple ADAs we aim to minimize the error percentage as
much as possible. In other words we intend to maximize the recall rate of the
process. An illustrative example is the case where a computer system adminis-
trator aims to identify and block any offensive attack on his computer system
or any malicious program [19-22]. Another noncriminal example of an anomaly
detection scenario is the case where countries with high typhoon vulnerability
aim to identify approaching storms and to act in such a way that will minimize
potential damage [23].
An ideal ADA satisfies the conditions of (i) having a True Positive Rate (TPR)
equal to 1 (the TPR indicates the portion of accurate positive instances of all
positive instances that were classified as positive; this measurement is also known
as the recall rate or alternatively the sensitivity rate) and (ii) having a False
Positive Rate (FPR) equal to 0 (the FPR is the portion of positive instances
that were misclassified as positive of all positive classified instances (the FPR is
also known as the false alarm rate).
Assuming that a set of ADAs do not overlap and are independent we may
use a simple OR operation among them in order to fuse them. Namely, it is
sucient that a single ADA decides a certain input instance is an outlier in
order to have the final decision of an outlier. Unfortunately, this assumption is
far from applicable. Therefore, in this paper we propose a fusing method that
will achieve a false alarm rate smaller than each of individual ADA.
Against this background, in this paper we propose a two phase mechanism. In
the first step an oine process will take place to classify all the given ADAs into
clusters based on their expertise. In the second phase an online and continuous
process will take place in which we aim to fuse the decision of all the ADAs in a
way that promotes the expert ADAs that were identified in the previous phase
for each given type of outlier.
Next we provide a preliminary experiment that deals with the case of a single
type of outlier. Here we focus on a more basic debate that exists in the literature
about the process of unifying the scores given by different ADAs taken from
different scales and ranges termed the normalization phase. We show a way to
overcome the problem of normalization by using ranking in its place, which was
found to perform better than the normalization.
The paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we describe the current state
of the art. In section 3 we provide details about the general fusing structure.
Then, in section 4 we describe our proposed expertise based fusing mechanism.
In section 5 we describe our simulation and provide initial results. Finally we
conclude in section 6 and discuss future work.
2 Related Work
Information or data fusion has been widely researched in the last decade [3, 4].
According to Ahmed and Pottie [4], data fusion is the process by which a data
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