Biology Reference
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Fig. 2. The 2D DIGE image patterns of six narrow pH ranges and the position of representative differentially expressed
spots with a fold change of >±2. Six images ( a ) were combined into one image. ( b ) The “normal” sample was labeled with
Cy3 ( green ) and the “HCC” sample with Cy5 ( red ). Forty-three spots were identifi ed from preparative gels by nanoLC-
MS/MS ( c ) .
analysis (DIA) and biological variation analysis (BVA) mode
(see Note 11).
Using a master gel, match and merge accurately the spots of
the other gels, if necessary. Accept statistically signifi cant spots
( p < 0.05), and fi lter over the average volume ratio of ±2. Select
and check for accuracy across fi ltered spots of the 2D DIGE
and preparative gels (Fig. 3 ) (see Note 12).
Pick each protein spot of interest with an autoclaved end-cut
yellow tip (~2 mm), and transfer the gel piece into a fresh 1.5-
mL tube containing 1 mL of distilled water. Wash the gel piece
twice by adding 100
L of spot destaining buffer (40% (v/v)
50 mM NH 4 HCO 3 in acetonitrile), shaking for 10 min and
discarding the destaining buffer. Repeat this step until the
Coomassie Blue G-250 dye disappears (~5 times). Add 50
of 100% acetonitrile, shake for 3 min, and discard the ace-
tonitrile. Repeat this step until the gel piece turns white
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