Environmental Engineering Reference
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regions with lowest irradiation; but also it shows that, although under the base
case conditions the needed investment might not be considered profitable for cer-
tain technologies, the introduction of some incentive mechanism like a capital
subsidy, a tax relief, or a feed-in tariff, would be enough to reverse the situation.
The introduction of such measures at national policy level could make market
conditions favourable for the large-scale deployment of the photovoltaic technol-
ogy in Brazil, making it a viable alternative to contribute significantly to the ex-
pansion of the country's electricity supply capacity.
Further research is recommended into comparisons of “full” life-cycle assess-
ments (including all impact categories that are actually involved) between the
various PV technologies, between PV and other renewables, and between PV and
the electricity mix of targeted receiving countries (in this case Brazil), to allow for
better estimation of the potential benefits of substitution. Besides, there is need to
follow up the assessment in similar terms of the alternatives to PV in the market of
“clean energies”.
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solar.com, last accessed on 19.10.2010
Aten Solar (2008) Technical data and price of the photovoltaic panels Kaneka GSA60.
Internet address: www.atensolar.com, last accessed on 19.10.2010
BTU - Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus (2009) ERM graduate profile.
Internet address: www.tu-cottbus.de/environment, last accessed on 19.10.2010
Bueno E, Ramos F, Luna S, Rüther R (2006) Atlas Brasileiro de Energia Solar - Brazilian
Atlas of Solar Energy. DMA-CPTEC-INPE-MCT under SWERA-UNEP-GEF aus-
pices. São José dos Campos
Catálogo Solar - Solar Home (2008) Technical data and price of the photovoltaic panels
Würth Solar WS111007/75. Internet address: www.catalogosolar.com, last accessed on
Coltro L, Garcia E, Queiroz G (2003) Life Cycle Inventory for electric energy system in
Brazil. In: International Journal of LCA 8(5): 290-296
DOE - United States Department of Energy (2007) EnergyPlus version 2.0 application and
documentation. Internet address: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus,
last accessed on 19.10.2010
Ecoinvent (2007) Ecoinvent database v2.01. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories,
EPE Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (2007) Plano Nacional de Energia 2030. Internet ad-
dress: http://epe.gov.br/Estudos/Paginas/default.aspx?CategoriaID=346, last accessed
on 19.10.2010
EPIA European Photovoltaic Industry Association, Greenpeace (2006) Solar Generation -
Solar Electricity for over 1 billion people and two million jobs by 2020. Internet ad-
dress: www2.epia.org/05Publications/Solargeneration.htm, last accessed on 19.10.2010
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