Environmental Engineering Reference
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the main system and a significant reduction of water losses. The water supply sys-
tem of the Béni Abbès Oasis shows several characteristics - such as intermittent
supply, capturing of water in private tanks, absence of a clear network structure,
lack of measuring devices - that are typical for developing countries. The applied
concept may not be described as 'innovative' in terms of energy reduction, since
the relation between reduction of water losses and energy efficiency is well
known. Nonetheless, this approach still offers significant potential for improve-
4.5 Conclusions
Within this chapter the connection between energy use and water supply transport
was highlighted and important measures on how energy efficiency of water distri-
bution systems can be increased were introduced. These are: (1) reduction of wa-
ter losses; (2) introduction of an optimised operational strategy; (3) the utilisation
of energy recovery within the distribution system, and; (4) the utilisation of re-
newable energy sources for the operation of the system pumps. Several examples
showed that the potential for improvement is still high. For the future, it can be as-
sumed that these concepts will be applied more frequently, since energy as well as
water resources will become scarcer.
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