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Relation R9 , though in BCNF, is not in 4NF, because it has a peculiar dependency,
called a multi-valued dependency (MVD). In order to state the 4NF, we must first
define MVD.
4.9.1 Multi-valued Dependency
A multi-valued dependency (MVD) is defined as follows:
Please note the following points arising from the definition of an MVD:
For MVD, at least three attributes must exist.
FDs are MVDs but MVDs are not necessarily FDs.
A B reads “A multi-determines B” or “B is multi-dependent
on A.”
Let us get back to R9 : Course -» Text/Teacher . Note that Course is the pivot of
the MVD. Course -» Teacher since Teacher depends on Course, independent of Text.
Course Text since Text depends on Course , independent of Teacher .
4.9.2 Fagin's Theorem
Fagin's theorem (named after Ronald Fagin who proposed it) may be stated as follows:
Note that like Heath's theorem, which prescribes how to treat FDs, Fagin's theorem
states exactly how to treat MVDs. With this background, we can proceed to defining the 4NF:
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